中國石化新聞網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)彭博社3月11日斯塔萬格報道,挪威石油理事會(Norwegian Petroleum Directorate)已授予挪威國家石油公司(Statoil Petroleum)的井34/8-19 S一份鉆井許可證, 參閱《資源管理條例》第15條。
井34/8-19S將由大西洋深海鉆井設(shè)施鉆探,其位于北緯61°26“6.84”和西經(jīng) 2°35'24.37",這將在完成Johan Sverdrup油田的鉆探之后開始。
34/8-19 S的鉆井程序涉及在生產(chǎn)許可證120中的一口初探井的鉆探。
其他許可證持有者是Petoro AS(30%),康菲石油公司Skandinavia AS (9%)和Repsol Norge(8%)。
蔡小全 編譯自 彭博社
Statoil granted drilling permit for well 34/8-19 S in production license 120
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has granted Statoil Petroleum AS a drilling permit for well 34/8-19 S, cf. Section 15 of the Resource Management Regulations.
Well 34/8-19 S will be drilled from the Deepsea Atlantic drilling facility at position 61°26'6.84"N and 2°35'24.37"E after completing the drilling on the Johan Sverdrup field.
The drilling program for well 34/8-19 S relates to the drilling of a wildcat well in production license 120.
Statoil is the operator with an ownership interest of 53%.
The other licensees are Petoro AS (30%), ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS (9%) and Repsol Norge AS (8%).
The area in this license consists of a part of block 34/8. The well will be drilled about 10 km northeast of the Visund field.
Production license 120 was awarded on Aug. 23, 1985 .
This is the nineteenth exploration well to be drilled in the license.